Monday, May 17, 2010

Cheile Carasului

Cheile Carasului sunt situate in nordul Muntii Aninei, la cca. 15 km de Resita, in apropierea localitatii Carasova. Arealul calcaros este foarte pitoresc, cheile neprezentand dificultati tehnice si fiind usor de strabatut din punct de vedere al efortului depus. Cazarea este destul de problematica, cele mai apropiate pensiuni fiind in Resita sau Anina, sau putin mai departe dar mai frumos in statiunile Secu sau Valiug (localitati care ar fi de preferat in cazul in care vor fi destule locuri in masini ca sa ne deplasam spre chei de acolo).

1 comment:

Vazul said...


I am writing to you beacuse I plan a hiking trip in Caras canyon from Carasova. I read that one have to come dawn from the Pansion to the river and after that climb the dam structure under the bridge to get into the canyon. And this first part of the route is a bit difficult for older people. I saw your blog post and I am wondering wheter you colud tell me how difficult or dangerous it is to cross the dam under the bridge. I could not find any photos about it, maybe you have some?

Could you please help me?

Thank you in advance!